Neural Networks.
TOPICS: Check Dataset, Print DataSet, Normalization Data, Perceptron, Import Model Perceptron, Adaline, Import Model Adaline, Hopfield, Import Model Hopfield, MultiLayer BackPropagation with Random, MultiLayer BackPropagation, Import Model BackPropagation, FeedForward, Import Model FeedForward, Import Model FeedForward with Genetic Algorithm, RBF (Radial Basis Funtion), Import Model RBF, Resilient Propagation, Import Model Resilient Propagation.
NOTE: Commonly known datasets shown in the different neural network models are used, this is only as an example, the user can use the datasets that fit their project. Just as the pathDataSet /storage/emulated/0/Download/ is used as it depends on the smartphone model as well as the Android version. The user must modify it depending on the mobile device used.
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