Machine Learning (Classification + Regression)
NOTE: This contains the classification and linear regression algorithms in the same extension, this is in case the user wants to use both algorithms in their project. Since if you try to use the extensions separately and compile them you will get an error because they handle the same Java library, which is why a single Machine Learning extension is handled. Include SVD (Singular Value Descomposition), EigenVectors and EigenValues modules.
TOPICS: Logistic Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression and Simple Linear Regression, Cluster Evaluation, Cross Validation, Cross Validation with Folds, Evaluate DataSet, K Dependent Bayes, K DTrees Nearest-Neightbors, KMeans, K Nearest Neightbors, Native Bayes, Optimization SVM, Random Forest and SVM (Support Vector Machine), SVD (Singular Value Descomposition), EigenVectors, EigenValues.